It's my life in Japan ! ⇒ in Thailand now!

I'll try to write down " what I think " , " what I feel" and " what I did " on my days in  both English and Jpanese! 日々私の思うこと、感じたこと、したことを、英語と日本語の両方で綴ってみます!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Kite <凧揚げ>

Today I saw a few boys who was doing a kite in a park after a long .
I think that an image of the kite is strong as play of New Year holidays for Japanese.  When I was a child , I heard 1 warning around New Year all the time. It's a " Don't play a kite near a utility pole." It is the reason why it gets shocked by when a kite is caught on an electric wire.

Recently there are many kinds of game software about sports that people usually play outside . It means that people can play sports inside.
Not to mention baseball, soccer, football, tennis , there seems to be able to play ski and fishing , too .........  

Don't you feel funny?
I don't think it's good or bad. I just feel strange.

I don't know if there is a game software of kite.
But I like to see children who do kite outside , not inside.






Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sincerity <真摯に>

I went to a shrine to drive misfortune out of a person with mom today.
We thanked for what we were able to been safe for one year.

It's not about religion , it's about traditional thing..
I like an idea that it doesn't mean that misfortune is only disaster.

We have an end by various changes in the long life. The people of old times seem to have thought about a custom of "an unlucky year" beforehand for to remember to be sincerity.  

It is not a meaning of God and religion.
I was moved by the wisdom which is to look back on my life , reflect on my life , search my soul , find my way.






Friday, January 12, 2007

Natto <納豆>

Natto is the one of my favorite food for long time.
My Dad and I love Natto.My mom and my brother really don't like natto .
I put natto on curry , miso soup , omelet .... many foods.My foreign friend also loves natto.  He mixs umeboshi and kimuchi with natto and eats with rice.Everything is so tasty !
I usually keep some natto in the fridge.

After one famous TV show , natto is always sold out.Because the TV show said how good natto is.Natto are fermented soybeans .
Some people who hates natto said "Ntto is just the rot soy beans . "

Actually it's stinky.

A soy bean has been dipped into water and inflate it to about 2 times , and steamed , and put Bacillus subtilis natto into them.

This is a natto!I'm not sure if the TV show said a truth about natto .And I don't mind.I like taste of natto not because of for health.

I'm just surprised about mass communication's power.







Thursday, January 11, 2007

Rice bran <米ぬか美人>

I introduce my favorite body cream.
Especially for people who has dry skin .

A chief ingredient of this cream is rice bran.
A company of liquor named "Nihon Sakari " makes this cream and sells it. 
Rice bran is a cuticle and embryo of rice. 

This cuticle is rich in Vitamin B,E and minerals.  

Vitamin B makes a wrinkle less, and vitamin E seems to work for prevention of aging .
A makeup rice bran is rich in fat / protein / carbohydrates . And it is able to get only 5% from the whole rice bran and it is the powder which is creamy and low stimulation.

I heard that a makeup bran could be taken out only by a right method.
Therefore I am convinced that the rice bran cosmetics which a company of liquor makes are genuine.

I had used various cream because I have dry skin , I am very happy to find this cream.  Please try it !




Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ebisu <恵比寿さま>

I went to "Ebessan" with my co-workers today.
"Ebessan" is a nickname of Ebisu God who is one of The Seven Deities of Good Luck.
The Seven Deities of Good Luck are seven God whom it is assumed that they bring fortune, and is believed in Japan.
Originally he seems to have been known as God of the sea. 
And now He is known as God of business prosperity now.

Many people go for prayer for three days from January 9 to January 11.
We went to Horikawa Ebisu and prayed for business prosperity of our company.
The people who arrived at Nishinomiya Ebisu to pray from 1th to 3th are authorized as a Fukuotoko or Fukuonna which means fortune person. Athletes must be surprised at the figure which many people who want to become Fukuo run at a violent speed to get in first .

I am a person who don't believe God strongly and don't often pray very much.
I think that a moment joining my palms together calmly is lovely .
But If fortune comes, I am so welcome !!





Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Chopsticks <お箸>

I see many foreigners eating with chopsticks well recently.
And I see many Japanese who does not use chopsticks well.
We have many manners about how to use chopsticks.

One high school started a new entrance examination.It tests whether you can catch marbles , small dices and small beans with chopsticks.I often heard that using chopsticks is good for brain.
Also my co-worker uses chopsticks with left hand.She says that it's good for right brain.....

I don't know the truth but I want to be like my boyfriend.
He eats most food with chopsticks.
Even curry.........





Monday, January 08, 2007

Favorite dressing <ポン酢>

I felt that I wanted to cook so badly because I had eaten very delicious home cooking when I had stayed at my co-worker's house for 2 days.

I drew my imaginary picture of what I wanted to cook.

After that , I made a salada……….

I cut some tomatso small carefully , I cut some cucumbers small carefully , I boiled some broccoli carefully while checking how soft they were , I cut some boiled eggs small beautifully and I mixed a dressing I made !
I usually don't take a long time to cook , so I felt that I had cooked something big dinner.
But It was only a salada.................

By the way , my favorite dressing is made by olive oil , garlic paste , red pepper , salt and PONZU.

PONZU is made by vinegar and soy sauce.
You can mix this dressing and some small cut tomatos .then you put it on a bread and toast it.That's my most favorite food !!

I love a PONZU too much. I want to tell everyone that I prefer it for all cooking.







Sunday, January 07, 2007


I stayed the night at my co-worker's house in Nara.

The co-worker has a lot of hobbies and one of her hobby is making ceramic.

I made a incense stand.....
There is a big flower and small butterfly on a big leaf.
It looks unusual but I like it very much.
It should be burned after it dries and then it complete.

I found out about myself.
I am very weak in delicate work and am good at bold work.





Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hot spring ♪<温泉>

I went to a sento which is a public bath near my co-worker's house in Nara.
But it's a real hot spring which is called "Niji no yu"

We have a law about hot spring in Japan.
It says that hot spring should be 25 degrees when it gush out.
Or it should contain substance which is on a list in the law ...
For example, by a law, lithium ion should be including it more than 1mg in 1kg.
Or manganese ion should be including it more than 10mg in 1kg.
There are 19 kinds of substance in the list .

We believe the benefits of a hot spring bath potency.
That's why many people go to a hot spring not only to enjoy.

I got smooth skin from there!


奈良に住む会社の先輩の家の近くの「銭湯」に行きました。                                 でもここは、「虹の湯」と呼ばれている、本物の温泉なのです。

日本には「温泉法」という法律があります。                                   そこには温泉というのは、地下から湧水した時の温度が25度以上であること。              もしくは、定められた物質が含まれていることが決まっています。

例えば                                                        「リチウムイオンであれば、1kg中に1mg以上含まれていること」                     「マンガンイオンであれば、1kg中に1mg以上含まれていること」                      など、リストには19種類の物質があります。



Friday, January 05, 2007

Fortune bag<福袋>

My work started from today.
How fast 6 days holiday went by...much faster than weekday.
I went to a department store after work.
It's getting difficult to get famous Hukubukuro which is a fortune bag.
It's a bag.
It's closed so we can't see what's in there.
For example there are some brand-name clothes and accessories in a bag.
Of course it depends on shop.
If it's from noodles shop , there must be some kinds of noodles in a bag.

Many Japanese women are crazy about buying some brand-name Hukubukuro.
Before a department store is opened , women line up from the front for several hours and wait.
It's about 100 dollars each bag but everything in a bag is worth more than 500 dollars.
I didn't expect that I could get one because I already watched crazy women on TV.
They scrambled for a bag intensely.  It completely looked fighting.
Of course I couldn't get any 5 days after the fighting.


今日から会社が始まりました。                                                             6日間のお正月休みが過ぎるのは、なんてあっという間で、平日よりも早く過ぎ去るのでしょうか...。

会社帰りに百貨店に行きました、                                                                  年々ゲットするのが難しくなっている福袋を買いたかったからです。ほとんどの福袋は中身が見えなくて、服やらアクセサリーやらが入っていますが、当然お店によりますね。


たくさんの日本人女性が福袋購入に必死で、百貨店が開く何時間も前からずーっと並んで待ってる状態です。                                                                      だいたい1万円くらいの福袋の中身は、5万円以上の値段分というのが相場のようで、必死に福袋をあさる女性たちをテレビで見ていたので、買えるという期待はしてなかったですけど。



Thursday, January 04, 2007

Foreign language<外国語>

My Australian friend invited me for dinner with her friends.
There are 1 Chinese girl , 1 Australian girl and 4 Japanese girls at an Izakaya which is Japanese bar.
We were talking in Japanese all the time and having a good time.
We laughed until we cried.

I was surprise that Chinese girl and Australian girl could speak Japanese very well.
Only two words they didn't know are "maseteru" and "yancha" .
Maseru means precocious.
Yancha means naughty.

that's it!
Only two words !

Australian girl said to us that she wanted to write her book in her future.
How wonderful it is!!
How small my determination of this year is keep writing my blog..
it's not true.
To keep writing my blog is a still big determination for me.


オーストラリア人の友人が、彼女の友達とのディナーに招待してくれました。                              オーストラリア人のギャル1名、中国人のギャル1名、私を含めた日本人ギャルが4名で居酒屋で盛り上がってました。

全員ずーーっと日本語で会話して、泣くほど大笑いをしながら盛り上がりました。                            驚いたのは、オーストラリアと中国からの友人2人の日本語の素晴らしさです。

会話してる中で知らなかった日本語は「ませる」と「やんちゃ」だけでした......。                                        「ませる」ってゆうのは、大人びてる。                                                                 「やんちゃ」ってゆうのは、いたずらっ子というような意味ですけど。


オーストラリアの友人が「将来、本をだしたい」という夢を話してくれました。                                            素敵です!                                                                                       それに比べて私の目標は「ブログを続ける」...って、なんて小さい夢なのか。

ん...............でもそんなことないな。                                                                       私にとっては結構たいへんな目標なので、これを頑張ります。

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Chinese astrology<亥年>

This year is the year of boar in Chinese astrology .
It's famous for there are 12 animals in Chinese astrology.

Rat , Ox , Tiger , Rabbit , Dragon , Snake , Horse , Sheep , Monkey , Cock , Dog and Boar.

Japanese likes to believe superstitions and meanings from many things.
So it is said that character is characteristic by each birth year.
It is said that a person born in the boar year is reckless.
I believe this!!
That’s my mom’s……… I’m sure that it must be a wild strong boar.





Tuesday, January 02, 2007


We say that a first dream on the second night of the New Year tells a fortune of the year.
It's said that best luck is the Mt.Fuji or hawks or eggplant in a dream.
Because Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. It means No.1.
A hawk is called "Taka" in Japanese. It means strong and clever !
An eggplant...This is strange for me.
An eggplant is called "Nasu" in Japanese.
It means achieve.
Anyway I don’t remember my “Hatsuyume” because I got drunk…………….


1富士、2鷹、3茄子 といって、この夢をみるのが1番いいらしいです。




Monday, January 01, 2007

A Happy New Year !!

When I was a child , I was very busy for New Year holidays.
I woke up early , ate Osechi which is Japanese traditional home cooking.
There were more than 15 kinds of food which have meanings on each food.
I had to listen the each meanings and eat all kinds of food .
Even I didn't like some.
And I checked an amount of money of a New Year's present my parents gave me.
And I checked how many New Year's cards I received from my friends and read them.
And I did the special New Year calligraphy that is my determination to do something of the year. ( I had to submit it to a school..)
And all my family played Hyakuinissyu which is a New Year's card game in which the players try to match the first and second halves of each of the One Hundred Tanka Poems by One Hundred Celebrated Poets.
Now as I grow up , I can use my time for anything I want .
I can go shopping with my friends and just idle my time away at home for New Year holidays.
But As for me, childhood memories make me feel happy more than my memories in my free time.
So my determination of this year is keep writing my blog.



