It's my life in Japan ! ⇒ in Thailand now!

I'll try to write down " what I think " , " what I feel" and " what I did " on my days in  both English and Jpanese! 日々私の思うこと、感じたこと、したことを、英語と日本語の両方で綴ってみます!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Fortune bag<福袋>

My work started from today.
How fast 6 days holiday went by...much faster than weekday.
I went to a department store after work.
It's getting difficult to get famous Hukubukuro which is a fortune bag.
It's a bag.
It's closed so we can't see what's in there.
For example there are some brand-name clothes and accessories in a bag.
Of course it depends on shop.
If it's from noodles shop , there must be some kinds of noodles in a bag.

Many Japanese women are crazy about buying some brand-name Hukubukuro.
Before a department store is opened , women line up from the front for several hours and wait.
It's about 100 dollars each bag but everything in a bag is worth more than 500 dollars.
I didn't expect that I could get one because I already watched crazy women on TV.
They scrambled for a bag intensely.  It completely looked fighting.
Of course I couldn't get any 5 days after the fighting.


今日から会社が始まりました。                                                             6日間のお正月休みが過ぎるのは、なんてあっという間で、平日よりも早く過ぎ去るのでしょうか...。

会社帰りに百貨店に行きました、                                                                  年々ゲットするのが難しくなっている福袋を買いたかったからです。ほとんどの福袋は中身が見えなくて、服やらアクセサリーやらが入っていますが、当然お店によりますね。


たくさんの日本人女性が福袋購入に必死で、百貨店が開く何時間も前からずーっと並んで待ってる状態です。                                                                      だいたい1万円くらいの福袋の中身は、5万円以上の値段分というのが相場のようで、必死に福袋をあさる女性たちをテレビで見ていたので、買えるという期待はしてなかったですけど。




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