It's my life in Japan ! ⇒ in Thailand now!

I'll try to write down " what I think " , " what I feel" and " what I did " on my days in  both English and Jpanese! 日々私の思うこと、感じたこと、したことを、英語と日本語の両方で綴ってみます!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Favorite dressing <ポン酢>

I felt that I wanted to cook so badly because I had eaten very delicious home cooking when I had stayed at my co-worker's house for 2 days.

I drew my imaginary picture of what I wanted to cook.

After that , I made a salada……….

I cut some tomatso small carefully , I cut some cucumbers small carefully , I boiled some broccoli carefully while checking how soft they were , I cut some boiled eggs small beautifully and I mixed a dressing I made !
I usually don't take a long time to cook , so I felt that I had cooked something big dinner.
But It was only a salada.................

By the way , my favorite dressing is made by olive oil , garlic paste , red pepper , salt and PONZU.

PONZU is made by vinegar and soy sauce.
You can mix this dressing and some small cut tomatos .then you put it on a bread and toast it.That's my most favorite food !!

I love a PONZU too much. I want to tell everyone that I prefer it for all cooking.








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