Tiny accessories<おまけ>
My bad habit is to collect tiny accessories.
Every year in summer , many kinds of tea and
water are sold .
To sell more than other company's , most of companies throw various accessories as a
free gift.
This is the one I enjoy!
When I buy a tea , I give priority to tiny accessories whether it is the
tea I want.
The others , Kewpies in various costume are also very popular,
and one of my favorite , too.
The costume which is made from ideas of the characteristic of each metropolis and districts , animal costume and food costume....etc.
Those ideas seem to be no limit .
The Kewpie of a costume of a cod roe was explosive popularity.
My grandmother of 86 years old attends the handicraft lesson that
a volunteer holds once a week. She made a costume of pea for Kewpie!!
I realized that a fashion is not a thing only for young people. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
都道府県の特徴を生かした「ご当地キューピー」や動物や食べ物のコスチュームなどなど限りがなく 「たらこキューピー」は爆発的人気でした。