Guardian angel - 守り神
Do you know a difference of a newt and a gecko? It is a newt that a stomach looks red color and it is a gecko that a stomach looks gray. A newt eats a harmful insect in a well. A newt is a meaning to "protect a well". A gecko eats a mosquito and a moth in a house. A gecko is a meaning to "protect a house". That's why both a gecko and a newt are called guardian angels. I like a gecko more..........IT's SO CUTE! It is said that a Japanese does not strongly believe much religion.I think that it's true.However Japanese love to believe many traditions♪----------------------------------------------------イモリとヤモリの違いってご存知ですか?お腹が赤色をしている方がイモリで、グレー色をしている方がヤモリです。イモリは井戸で害虫を食べるので、「井戸を守る」という意味でイモリと名づけられ、ヤモリは家で蚊や蛾を食べるので、「家を守る」という意味でヤモリと名づけられているようです。両方とも守り神と言われてるんですよね。私はヤモリ派なのですが、じーっと見ると、かなり可愛いです。日本人はあまり強く宗教を信じないと言われますがちっちゃな言い伝えは大切にしているようですね。
Iron kettle - 鉄瓶
This is my dear iron kettle ! This is so cute isn't this?This is a Nanbu iron kettle of a folkcraft product of Iwate prefecture.Production of "Nanbu ironware" needs high technology and experience. They have production of an iron kettle in 68 process and seem to need minimum 15 years to become a full-fledged engineer.It is said that the body can take in iron content by using an iron kettle.It seems to have an effect on people of anemia in particular. Because it's said that a kind of the iron that I can take from an iron kettle is easy to be taken than a kind of iron to take by vegetables.This looks very artistic and I can take iron ! I recommend it more than many supplements ♪-------------------------------------------------------これは私の愛すべき”鉄瓶”です。すごく可愛いでしょ♪岩手県の伝統工芸品の南部鉄瓶です。「南部鉄器」の製造は、高度な技術と経験を必要とします。鉄瓶の製造は68工程もあり、一人前の技術者になるためには最低15年もかかるそうです。鉄瓶を使うと、体内に鉄分を取り入れることが出来ると言われていますよね。特に貧血症の人! なぜかというと、野菜から出る鉄分と比べたら、鉄瓶からの鉄分の方が摂取されやすい種類だからなんだそうです。 見た目は芸術的で鉄分もとれるなんて。 サプリメントよりお勧めです♪
Ostracism /村八分Mura-Hachibu
Mura-Hachibu is a custom held from the Edo era. Mura means village and Hachibu means eighty percent. It means that as for the person who disturbed order of a village, the person is quitted association by everyone as sanctions…They refuse to accept the person as a member of the group. However it doesn't mean breaking off completely.…It's eighty percent! Then what do you think what twenty percent means ? It means a fire and a funeral. When the person was really troubled, they help the person. Japanese believe that a harmonious group spirit is very important anytime. I like the Japanese sensitivity that does not completely expel the person.------------------------------------------------------村八分は、江戸時代から行われている習慣です。村の秩序を乱した人は、制裁として、村のみんなから交際を断たれます。もう、同じグループの一員として受け入れてもらえないのです。でもこれは、文字通り、八分・・80%なのです。 ではでは、残りの20%は何を意味するでしょう?それは、火事とお葬式です。仲間外れにしても,本当にその人が困っている時には助けるのです。日本人はどんな時も人の和が大切だと信じています。私は、完全にその人を追放したりしない、この言葉をつくった日本人の感性が気に入っています。
Mikka-Bouzu 三日坊主
Mikka means for three days and Bouzu meand a Buddhist priest.
The origin of this word is that someone who didn't want to be a monk became to be a monk to barely survive or to escape from a pursuer. So he can't stand up ascetic practices and runs away.
It means that It is easy to get tired of things and does not last long .
Someone can't stick to it longer than a day or two.
I have felt guilty about stopping writing this blog.....I don't know why. It has be in a corner of my mind all the time. Now I'm starting to write this , I'm in peace and got back my little confidence.
Let's celebrate this start without doing the excuses that I did not write.
It's my birthday♪
It's my birthday today! Birthday is always nice and happy day for me even if I'm getting older. I had been very busy these days…but I became feel happy on my birthday ! I try to make up my mind on my birthday every year and then I remember the words my teacher of elementary school said to me. "Someone might walk only 50 steps while you walk 100steps even if someone tries hard. It doesn't mean that walking only 50steps is good or not . There are various people in the world " I'm sure that I was a impertinent girl and I couldn't understand friends who walk only 50 steps. I think that it was difficult teaching for little girl......but I remember that I was shocked . " I don't label a person by only my opinion. " So.......As a result ...this is my determination every year.---------------------------------------------------------今日は私のお誕生日。何歳になったかは別にして、いくつになっても誕生日は嬉しくて楽しいイベントです♪このところ仕事で忙しい日が続いていたけれど、何だか急に幸せな気分になりました。誕生日がくるといつも、何か決意をしたくなります。そして何かを決意しようとした時にいつも思い出すことがあります。それは、小学生の時に言われた担任の先生の言葉です。「あなたが100歩あるく間に、一生懸命歩いても50歩しか歩けない人も沢山いて、それはどっちが良いとか悪いということではないのよ。いろんな人がいるからね」きっと私は、自分が出来ることを出来ない人はサボってる、なんて思う生意気な小学生だったんだと思います。今思えば、当時まだ10歳の私に、難しいことを言う先生だなと思いますが、小学生ながらにショッをクを受けたのを覚えています。「どんな人のことも、自分のモノサシだけで決めつけない」 結局、毎年これが私の決意です。