It's my life in Japan ! ⇒ in Thailand now!

I'll try to write down " what I think " , " what I feel" and " what I did " on my days in  both English and Jpanese! 日々私の思うこと、感じたこと、したことを、英語と日本語の両方で綴ってみます!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

"One clap of hand " 一本締め

I just quit my job yesterday.
My nice coworkers gave me nice farewell parties in this month.
When I left my office , my coworkers came to see me off to an elevator hall. Furthermore, the fellow workers saw me off with one clap of hand.

"One clap of hand "
We call it "Ippon jime" in Japanese.
Do you know and how to do it? Japanese must know how to do it.

We say " Yooooo " and then we clap our hand once together.

I heard that it must be called " Ipponcho"....
It's so difficult to explain it ......

It is said "appreciative clapping" formally, and, according to dictionary it is "matching applause to perform in celebration of the end of the thing".
In addition, there are some kinds ("three sets of clap of hands ”etc..) , but the purpose is the same and we can match it with the situation and have a good command of it.

It beats a hand by a tempo decided all. Nothing difficult.

We see that an athlete or a politician do this on TV.

It is not more exaggerated than the banzai either, and anyone knows it, and it is easy, we can feel that there is a sense of solidarity among us by doing it together.

I really appreciate to my coworkers...



私がオフィスを出るとき、同僚たちがエレベーターホールまで一緒に来てくれて  ”一本締め”をして見送ってくれました(笑)

”一本締め” って何だか知ってますか?どうやってやるか知ってます?







At 10:26 PM, November 07, 2007, Blogger MO said...

You quit your job?!?

Wow, I had no idea!

Good luck in the future! I hope everything works out for you!


At 1:33 AM, November 09, 2007, Blogger yukyey said...

Thank you for cheer me up !
I have spent my time for relaxing and thinking about my future.I sometimes feel guilty..(@0@);
I will try to do my best !!

At 1:52 AM, June 07, 2008, Blogger Joel said...

I prefer san-san-nana-byoshi :P


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