It's my life in Japan ! ⇒ in Thailand now!

I'll try to write down " what I think " , " what I feel" and " what I did " on my days in  both English and Jpanese! 日々私の思うこと、感じたこと、したことを、英語と日本語の両方で綴ってみます!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Life is not easy

May-9th -2006

I have been thinking to start my blog today.
Because today is Tuesday ,working day for me and nothing special.
It's my life!
I have thought so....................

Today was a silly day for me...My left show was broken. I mean the heal was broken .
I thouht that I had turned my ankle,so I dragged my left feet,even I didn't notice my left heal had gone somewhre. That's why I took a monorail and was sitting a seat.
As soon as I sat , a guy talked to me
"I think ..maybe this is yours" he showed my broken heal to me..
He was so kind! BUT it embarrassed me very much.

Anyway I went to the office and I went to buy new shoes before meeting. After meeting I realized there are so many paper work I wil have to do in 1week.
Oh!I I needed to feel happy.So I'm eating every my favorite food in my house before I goto bed.That will make me so happy that moment and then give me sharp regret.

I know it but I can't stop it.

今日からブログでも書こうかなぁと考えていました。 なぜかというと、今日は火曜日で、仕事の日で、特に何もない日だからで。                                       それが私の人生だし!と思っているからです・・・。 

まぁ今日はおバカな1日でした。                                                                  私の左の靴が壊れたのです・・・というのはヒールが折れたんです。足をくじいただけだと勘違いしていた私は、足を引きずっていたために、ヒールが折れたことにも気づかずにモノレールに乗り込み席に座っていました。。


とにかくオフィスに向かい、打合せの前に新しい靴を買いに行きました。ミーティングが終わってみれば、1週間以内にやらなきゃいけない仕事だらけ。                                                                          はぁ。楽しい気分にならなくては。                                                              


時的な幸せと、すごい後悔することは目に見えてますけどね。                                                                                   わかっているけどやめられないのです。


At 6:59 PM, May 17, 2006, Blogger Jim said...

I do that too, eat something very tasty so that I will feel better and be happier. Then later, sometimes my belly is sorry, and I feel a little wrong. But like you say yukyey, I do it anyway. Sometimes I hold back and don't, most of the time though, I do.


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